Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Totally Clean Toddlers

Children's immune system becomes stronger after their first birthday and it is well developed by the time they are ready for school. But they get exposed to germs more when they are in Preschool and playdates.

Checklist for your Toddlers.

  1. Give him a hand. Make clean hands a habit early on and they will become second nature to your child.
  2. Teach Germ warfare. Teach them how to sneeze into the crook of their elbow and to cover their mouth when they cough to prevent the spread of bacteria. Use clean tissue everytime theyhave to blow their nose, throw it away and towash their hands everytime.
  3. Sanitize toys. Wash kids toys from time to time including their stuff toys and animals.
  4. Always have wipes and alcohol or hand sanitizers ready with you. Either you are going to the park or to the mall, always have these things ready to wipe their hands, they are just as effective at cleaning hands.
  5. Get them into the tub. Daily baths are a good idea for your toddlers, but avoid over scrubbing them as this can damage the skin;sprotective layer and leave it vulnerable to infection.
  6. Be pet safe. Cats and dogs transmit germs thru their feces which catch on their fur. Your child can get sick if they stroke your pets fur or if your pet lick them. Remind them to wash their hands after petting or touching. Groom your pet regularly.
  7. Inspect your day-care center. Make sure the bathrooms has warm water running, soap and paper towels.
  8. Cover up cuts. Germs can enter the body thru an open wound. dab it with anti bacterial ointment and put bandage if needed.

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